Monday, October 17, 2011

Pengertian Kata Kunci Dalam Optimasi SEO

Pengertian atau definisi Kata Kunci / keyword. Dalam optimasi SEO, kata kunci adalah kumpulan kata-kata yang digunakan untuk menemukan halaman web atau blog. Pemilihan kata kunci yang tepat akan menentukan posisi di search engine .

Banyak webmaster dan para pebisnis online, selalu berbicara tentang bagaimana menemukan kata kunci yang terbaik, optimasi keyword yang lebih bertarget sehingga mereka mendapat keuntungan yang lebih tinggi, naiknya visitor ke blog mereka, serta keberhasilan lainnya  yang berhubungan dengan bisnis online.

Kata kunci merupakan hal penting agar blog kita mendapat tempat yang baik di mesin pencari (Google, Yahoo, MSN). Sebagai contoh jika seseorang yang ingin mempelajari  seo bagi pemula, kemudian ia mengetik kata “ belajar seo pemula “ di search engine google. Maka akan muncul ribuan bahkan jutaan posting di hasil pencarian. Nah ,,ketika blog atau website kita berada di page 1, maka akan ada peluang orang tersebut untuk mengunjungi blog kita. Saya sendiri beranggapan  bahwa banyak orang lebih memilih mengunjungi blog yang berada di page pertama atau urutan 1 – 10. Maka dari itu mengapa sebagai seorang blogger, sangat penting untuk mempelajari kata kunci atau keyword.

Pentingnya Kata Kunci Untuk Keberhasilan Bisnis Online.
Kata kunci akan berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan bisnis online kita. Sebagai contoh seorang blogger yang mempunyai blog yang dipasangi iklan adsense. Maka ia akan memilih strategi dan metode yang dibutuhkan misalnya bagaimana cara menarik visitor atau pengunjung blog, memilih HPK (high paying keyword), sehingga ia akan mendapatkan keuntungan yang optimal. Contoh lain misalnya seorang pebisnis online yang ingin melakukan promosi bisnisnya melalui website, maka ia pun tidak akan lepas dengan mempelajari kata kunci agar website miliknya dikenal banyak orang.

Mungkin sedikit pengantar di atas akan lebih membuat kawan – kawan mengerti arti penting kata kunci dan apa itu keyword. Berikut ini merupakan tulisan yang saya buat ringkasan, kemudian di posting yang lain mungkin akan saya bahas satu per satu di blog carapada ini. Mungkin ini bermanfaat, bagi kamu yang ingin memahami pengertian kata kunci .

Kata kunci dalam URL
Kata kunci dalam URL dari situs web. Saya berpendapat hal ini membantu dalam posisi website pada kata kunci tersebut. Sebagai contoh: Untuk pencarian "cara membuat blog" domain , mungkin berada pada  posisi yang baik. 
Kata kunci dalam judul atau "title"
Ini adalah salah satu yang paling penting karena isi tag "Judul" akan ditampilkan di search engine. 
Keyword dalam konten atau posting
Merupakan pertimbangan penting untuk menentukan relevansi kata kunci. Selain itu kita juga harus mempertimbangkan keyword density atau kepadatan kata kunci.
Kata kunci dalam teks link
Juga penting karena menentukan subjek halaman yang sedang diakses. 
Kata kunci dalam header tag H1, H2 ...
Hal ini penting untuk mengukur apa yang bisa digunakan pada header tag H1, H2, H3 ... . Untuk yang ini saya masih mempelajari dan belum berani memberikan tips.
Kata Kunci pada awal postingan
Kata kunci di awal, dari berbagai referensi yang saya baca, akan memberikan posisi yang baik pada mesin pendari. 
Kata kunci dalam atribut alt
Spider tidak dapat membaca gambar dan diagram, sehingga spider akan mengindeks atribut alt pada gambar. Untuk mempelajari ini, kamu bisa membaca posting blog ini yang berjudul “optimasi seo pada gambar
Kata kunci dalam meta tags
Hal ini juga penting, untuk menempatkan keyword pada meta tags description dan keyword. Saya mengibaratkan ketika kamu masuk perpustakaan dan mencari buku berjudul jejak – jejak ekonomi syariah , maka kamu akan memilih rak dengan kategori ekonomi kemudian mencari  buku tersebut. Begitu juga google, Secara sederhana saya berpendapat bahwa spider akan mengindeks meta tags deskripsi kemudian judul posting. 

Selain hal di atas ada sedikit hal yang mungkin juga harus kamu pelajari dalam optimasi seo dan memahami berbagai hal mengenai kata kunci.

Kepadatan  kata kunci
Adalah kedekatan antara kata kunci. Misalnya dalam membuat posting. Kepadatan kata kunci adalah rasio dari sebuah kata atau frase untuk total kata dalam teks. Misalnya, untuk sebuah teks dari 100 kata, jika sebuah kata muncul 5 kali, kepadatan adalah 5%.
Frase kata kunci
Ini adalah konsep penempatan kata kunci yang membentuk frase kunci. Misalnya, “belajar seo”, "belajar seo bagi pemula", “ seo untuk pemula”,  
Kata kunci sekunder
Mengoptimalkan kata kunci sekunder untuk mendukung kata kunci utama berdasarkan kompetensi . Misalnya jika kata kunci utama “ cara membuat facebook”. Kita dapat memilih keyword sekunder misalnya “cara mudah membuat facebook” ,”cara bikin fb baru”. Kemudian keyword tersebut kita tempatkan dalam postingan.
Sintaksis kata kunci
Jika kita membuat kesalahan mengetik kata kunci dalam blog kita, mungkin akan berpengaruh dalam pencarian di search engine. Sehingga sebelum memposting artikel, sebaiknya kita memilih judul yang tepat dan teliti dulu apakah terjadi kesalahan penulisan, karena ketika sudah diposting meski sudah diedit, url tidak akan berubah. Misalnya kamu membuat judul posting “ cara membuat facebook”, namun salah ketik jadi “ cara membuwat faceboook”. 

Terimakasih telah membaca artikel tentang pengertian kata kunci atau definisi keyword ini. Semoga bermanfaat bagi kawan – kawan dalam dunia blogger. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Check Your Internet Marketing Program

The business community has finally understood that to succeed in your Internet marketing program, you must adopt more effective strategies.

Gradually the simple sites, which is designed to have a presence only, begin to disappear, leading to business sites much more robust, higher quality and better content.

In this era of the early years, which usually begins implementing various marketing programs and develop new projects according to expected growth, we feel it is important to mention some points that will help you establish an appropriate strategy Internet marketing.

Here are the four most important issues of an Internet marketing program (which should receive special attention) and our recommendations for improvement in each of these concepts:

1. Web Site Content Customer oriented

Although the graphic design of a Web site is the one usually takes the applause, the Internet marketing specialists are well aware that the success of your website, and hence its marketing program depends primarily on the content . The content of your website should be defined customers in mind and must fully meet their information needs.

You are required not only to publish market and technical information about their products or services, but also to provide information on how to use, optimize, install, implement, repair and / or keep your product line, what to do and who to call in case problems, focus on how to select products, offer advice and suggestions, among others. If well informed, can you provide a service, rest assured that your site is highly recommended.

Do not be surprised if one or two years his company integrates a content manager within your organization. Many sites still operate based on small teams, but the bigger sites and robust are the product of joint efforts of large workgroups, coordinated by a Content Manager and supported by specialized software for content management (content management) .

Today, Web Sites include many of the functions of a company (sales, marketing, logistics, customer service, purchasing, communications, human resources, among others) and is virtually impossible to manage the operation of these sites without a Manager of Contents.

The real value of a website is its content. If you are someone who is more concerned with images, color and animation, it would be advisable to invest your priority scheme and is more concerned from the outset of the project by spending as much time as possible to enrich the content of your site.

2. SEO

If your company Web site is not listed in major search engines world-class, most likely your competition in Mexico or elsewhere on the continent, which is bringing business opportunities on the Internet.

It has created great confusion around the positioning, because many managers and executives take it for granted that once published, the website will be occupying the top positions in search engines. If your site has reached the proper search engine optimization, surely you have not paid for this service. The reality is that the positioning is a service that can be as or more expensive than the actual development of the site, and that to achieve these top positions in search engines requires knowledge and experience from the developer.

Positioning is another service in which you should invest. It's like when you design a brochure for your company. Once printed, the brochures will not reach its customers unless you hire a company to distribute and pay for this service. The design and publish a site does not necessarily mean that you automatically achieve the desired levels of positioning.

Today, we all know the importance of positioning in search engines. We know it is vital to achieving our business objectives online. Our recommendation is that you ensure that your team responsible for developing the site, or the service company you have hired, have knowledge and experience in this matter, and to prove it.

The emails with new business opportunities will be waiting for you after you deploy your Web site, depend largely on positioning.

3. Promotion

There is no worse strategy to publish a website and sit back and wait for the email. You are required to inject sufficient fuel for the machinery to work. Now you know that the positioning in Search Engines is a vital element of promotion. You can help and become a catalyst for the process.

Negotiate the inclusion of your site in directories on the Internet those industries that your company serves and the main portal of prestige related to these industries. To the extent possible, publish your web address on all printed documents, business cards, newspapers, magazines and electronic publications through which you have contact with their customers.

The effect 'snowball will then: more promotion - more hits - better positioning.

4. Maintenance

A couple of months to let you pass without presenting anything new in its place, and forget about repeat visitors. A couple of semesters that do not perform updates in place, and be amazed at the customer questions. A couple of years not to update the information posted on their site, and you will then have two different businesses, and its current business and a copy obsolete.

We all know the problems and negative effects of a Web site obsolete. However, we are still difficult to fulfill our purpose to keep the information current. Perhaps this is because we were so used to communicating via print, but the Internet is much more dynamic.

Although requirements vary from one company to another, experience tells us that for most businesses, the best strategy for now is to implement an ongoing maintenance program with quarterly updates. Based on Internet growth statistics, it is likely that within a year is essential to implement a program with monthly updates.

Act like a professional. The difference between amateurs and professionals is that amateurs know about the details, while the professionals as well as the details are committed to working in each of them

5 Link Building Strategies You Should Know

Here are some of the most common methods to get links through a campaign of link building , some are older, others are not as well regarded but all are still in use and are perfectly valid:

1 - Submission to web directories.

Submit your website to link directories has always been considered a basic element of a link building campaign. These links provide less value than that provided for several years, yet they are still useful but should be able to choose according to quality criteria.
There are also local directories or from specific subject and the general category, there are those who only accept links home page and those that require reciprocal link. The combination and the successful use of these will help generate the best results.

2 - Sending articles and press releases .

Submitting articles is another technique many years, while sending a directory is only once per site, the publication of articles offers endless possibilities. There are hundreds of article directories, including quite a few very good position and high quality.

Write attractive and relevant articles, including a biography of the author with one or two keyword optimized links to your pages and send them. Some SEO consultants prefer to stay with the higher quality directories, while others opt for mass submissions to hundreds of directories at once.
On the other hand, press releases can offer good connections and a sense of authority and brand for your website. Readers have more confidence in a press release than it would on a blog or an article, though, the number of press releases directories that accept HTML links with keywords in the anchor text is very limited so you have to look good.

3 - Comments on blogs.

The blogs are still one of the most popular on the web. Individuals, companies and organizations maintain their own blogs with regular content and quality.

Many blogs allow them to participate by commenting, find blogs in your industry and with a similar theme and identify those in which we work actively as a guest. The thing to keep in mind is not to exceed the thin line between the comment in a blog, which should be useful and relevant to the blog, the blog SPAM, considered black hat technique.

4 - Link to relevant blogs.

Another great truth about blogging is the community that is created around them. Links from blogs on the same subject offers a great opportunity to drive traffic to your website.
Try to link to other blogs related to your site and they have enough authority. Encourage your readers to visit that site. When the blogger check your statistics and find that you have sent quality traffic possibly win some new link or even invite you to collaborate. Just do not link waiting to be linked, do to improve the quality of your site and provide good content to your readers.

5 - Social media marketing .

The social bookmarking , social media sharing, video and content, are part of social media marketing (SMM) campaign. Can occupy a lot of time but it is so effective that it can generate viral interest in your blog, website, forum or publication. It is necessary to engage in social networking to create a true community around your website.

Also need to publish content to your social profiles and encourage users to follow. This will help you gain followers with what you will get increased traffic to your web pages.

You see, the link building is a key stop of SEO and should be considered as a continuous process if you want to enjoy the best results and that these are maintained over time. You can always find new ways of link building, these are just some of the most used.

Do you know any more than you function? Then share with the rest. Or not.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Manfaat Memiliki Blog

Keuntungan atau manfaat memiliki sebuah blog memang banyak, blog adalah ruang bagi kita . Karena kita dapat mencurahkan pikiran, kegembiraan, kesedihan dan bahkan ilmu yang bermanfaat bagi orang lain.
Blog yang kita buat, dapat menjadi tempat untuk mencari teman dan ada juga yang dimanfaatkan untuk mencari uang, bahkan blog ada yang dijadikan sebagai tempat atau aset penghasilan utama. Sebuah blog dapat berisikan banyak hal. Setelah beberapa bulan blogging, saya menemukan manfaat dalam memiliki blog sendiri di Internet, antara lain :
Blog adalah cara untuk dapat mengekspresikan diri. Melalui entri atau posting dan menulis, kita bisa menyampaikan pikiran, ilmu dan keprihatinan terhadap kondisi bangsa. Memiliki sebuah blog bisa menjadi cara untuk meningkatkan semangat menulis, membaca maupun meningkatkan wacana dan pengetahuan.
Kita dapat menambah teman-teman, meski kadang hanya berkomunikasi lewat dunia maya saja. Berkat keajaiban Internet, banyak orang dapat mengakses tulisan kita, membaca apa yang kita posting di blog. Dari situ kita akan perlahan – lahan menemukan jaringan, baik bisnis ataupun pertemanan biasa.
Berbagi ilmu yang bermanfaat, serta sarana gerakan sosial. Jika kita memiliki pengetahuan, kita dapat menulis artikel yang berguna. Maka nantinya, ilmu itu dapat digunakan orang lain untuk bekal hidup. Tulisan kita pun dapat memberikan pengaruh bagi pembacanya. Misalnya artikel tentang kepedulian sosial, kritik dan opini terhadap kondisi masyarakat dan lain – lain.
Keuntungan mempunyai blog bukan hanya itu, kita juga dapat mendapatkan uang lewat blog. Ada berbagai program yang ada untuk mencari uang dengan bisnis online lewat blog, misalnya dari iklan atau penjualan ruang iklan. Jika kita mengembangkan blog dengan baik serta menyajikan konten yang menarik dan bermanfaat, mungkin hal ini saya ibaratkan seperti memiliki angsa yang bertelur emas.

Selain hal di atas, masih banyak manfaat atau keuntungan mempunyai blog. Mungkin kita akan merasakan manfaat yang kadang kita sendiri tidak menyadarinya. Terimakasih telah membaca artikel singkat ini.
Referensi :